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Valvasor library in Krško is the central library for the municipalities of Krško and Kostanjevica na Krki. In addition to the central library at Cesta krških žrtev 26 in Krško, it has three local libraries: in Videm, in Kostanjevica na Krki and in Senovo. Moreover, since 2020 it founded the Mobile Library of Posavje together with the Brežice Library, the Sevnica Library and the Laško Library, the Radeče unit.


When the library started operating on February 8, 1965, it carried out its cultural mission in the local community with a small number of librarians on an area of ​​140 m² and with a little more than 2,000 items of material, which today is not enough even for a small local library. Since then, we have taken many developmental steps in the library due to changing trends in librarianship, society and the environment in which we operate. The needs of users have also changed through time, this is why the library needed larger premises and more staff. After several years of preparation, in 1988, we moved to the premises of the Capuchin monastery, which are insufficient from today's point of view. Nevertheless, this very step was important for the further development of the library. In the mid-1990s, there was a lack of space in the monastery. On the initiative of the then Library Council, in 1997, the program for the development of the library network in the municipality of Krško was presented at the round table "What will your library be like in the 21st century?" The result of those efforts was the expansion of the library network; a local library was opened in Kostanjevica na Krki in 2000, and a local library in Senovo in 2005. The central library was still facing space constraints, so the youth section was moved to another location in 2007.



Throughout the 25-year period, the efforts of all previous library councils, municipal administrations of the Krško municipality, library managers and library employees have been ongoing in order to solve the ever-increasing space constraints of the central Valvasor library in Krško. During this time, many activities were carried out that were important on the way to the new facility. The key factor was the consent of the Institute for Monument Protection for the construction of new premises at the monastery, followed by the decision of the municipal administration to carry out the investment, the consent of the municipal council on the construction of new premises and the renovation of the monastery, the selection of the designer and the selection of the construction contractor.



The architect had the task of connecting tradition and modernity in such a way that the monastery would be preserved in all its historical grandeur, while the new building would follow the architectural characteristics of the monastery despite modern requirements. The past and the stories of the local environment are involved in the image of the new building in an innovative way; the atrium invites us as the heart of the library, the shape of the building reminds us of the Sava River, and the windows can be perceived as the backs of the books. Looking at the monastery, we can find this type of window in the Capuchin library, which is the greatest asset of the Capuchin monastery. Including graphic elements from Valvasor's glory of the Duchy of Carniola gave a special historical touch to the premises.


Moving the library was a community project, where helped more than 600 volunteers of all generations from the municipalities of Krško, Kostanjevica and from elsewhere. For everyone who followed the long journey of the Valvasor Library Krško to new and suitable premises, the opening day on June 9, 2023 was a happy and festive event, when we, together with many visitors, were able to walk around 1,600 m2, which are practically entirely intended for users and also accessible to users with various mobility and other disabilities. In the new premises, after fifteen years, the adult and youth departments are once again united in one place. Various library materials are easily accessible, all generations can socialize in cosy corners, the library offers spaces for individual and group study, a playroom, a newspaper reading room with hot drinks, self-service borrowing and return of materials is possible, the space is also equipped with portable induction loops.



With the construction of new premises, only the first phase of the expansion of the Valvasor Library Krško has been completed. In order to preserve the cultural heritage, we are still waiting for the renovation of the monastery, which will have more library content for different target groups. We will get a larger space for socializing and reading books, a creative room, an exhibition space, a more spacious local history department, a modern equipped event hall and more accessible spaces for our special collections. We will also involve modern technologies, with the help of which we will be able to bring to different generations many local history stories that sustainably enrich the identity of the local environment.



Dear users, welcome to the library, in a bright and pleasant place where you can read, socialize, exchange ideas, think, relax, research, spend your free time, and take good care of your personal growth. Friendly librarians can also help you find solutions to the challenges of everyday life.

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